Are You Working on Building Your Self-Esteem? Start With These 7 Exercises

There are plenty of articles, videos and publications on the importance of improving our self-esteem.

Unfortunately, most of them do not do much when it comes to breaking down exactly how we can build it!

But before we get started, what causes low self-esteem? 

  • Negative childhood experiences
  • Experiencing bullying 
  • Past trauma 
  • Body image issues
  • Past rejection
  • Having unrealistic expectations
  • Social and cultural expectations 
  • Stress
  • Lack of support and affection

No matter where your low self-esteem stems from, it is crucial to work through the why and move towards a phase of self-acceptance, ultimately resulting in improved self-image and self-esteem.

This article will start you on your journey of improving your self-esteem – with practical examples.  



7 Exercises to Build Self-Esteem 

1. Practice positive affirmations.

Start (or end) your day by doing some positive affirmations and reminding yourself of your worth. People do these differently, and my personal favorite is to do them in front of a mirror, looking at myself.

Examples of affirmations include: 

  • “I am enough”
  • “I can do everything that I want to accomplish”
  • “I am good at what I do”
  • “I deserve to be surrounded by love”
  • “Today will be a good day”

You can also find our daily affirmations here.


2. Engage in physical activity.

When we get up and do something with our bodies, we release endorphins that help elevate our mood and self-esteem. This means exercise’s benefits are twofold, both psychological and physical. 

There are endless forms of exercise, all you have to do is try a few and do the ones you enjoy the most. In some cases, you might consider joining a club of like-minded people so you don’t have to do it alone.

I recently started hiking, and because I watch too many crime investigation shows, I was scared to go into the beautiful mountains on my own and so, I joined a few hiking clubs.

I also started using apps that show you trails near you, and that has allowed me to see the beautiful nature that surrounds me without fear that I might not be able to find my way back. 


3. Get out of your comfort zone.

We all have routines, and we are comfortable with them. If you are anything like me, the thought of trying something new and different is not always very appealing – but it is outside our comfort zones that we grow. 

Next time something comes up that makes you feel those nervous jitters, or you start to back out before you even consider joining that new Book Club your friend invited you to, say yes first.

Give yourself a way out if you need to; maybe tell the friend running Book Club that you’re really shy or aren’t confident talking about the books yet, but you want to be included.

The point is, look for an opportunity to challenge yourself. Start slow and work your way up to it. Every time you try, you’ll learn something about yourself, and that self-esteem will start to build!


4. Do something for others.

Consider taking a few hours out of your week to help others.

Where possible, consider volunteering in shelters or any other community programs. Moreover, seemingly small tasks like driving your elderly neighbor to their appointment or simply taking their bins out for them can also have a great effect on self-esteem.

Such kindness reminds you of the positive impact you have on the people around you. 


5. Practice self-care more often.

Self-care means different things to different people.

To a close friend of mine, it means spending the day on the couch playing video games; to my best friend, it means a spa day; and to my other friend, it means a day out in nature.

Whatever your self care is, do it!

Most of us are almost always chasing some kind of deadline or goal, and we barely have time to do the things we love and enjoy. Self-care is a great way to reduce stress and prioritize your self-worth. 


6. Consume positive media.

Social media has both positive and negative effects, and you have the power to control the content your phone feeds you.

Engage less with accounts and material that leaves you feeling drained and feeling like you are not good enough. Do not hesitate to use that block button if something is not enriching to you.

Over time, your ‘for you’ page will be full of content that is good for your overall health and improves your general self-esteem, rather than hammer away at it.


7. Celebrate your wins.

Even the ‘small’ successes deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated.

Do not undermine your wins and celebrate them all. Be kind to yourself and recognize how far you have come to get to where you are. Acknowledging and celebrating your wins will remind you of how much you are capable of, and this will ultimately improve your self-esteem. 



Improving Self-Esteem Takes Time

There are a million factors that can influence our self-esteem negatively; it is building our self-esteem that we have to work towards actively. 

The above factors are a starting point, but it is important to keep in mind that they are not a magic wand. You don’t simply do the above and immediately build your self-esteem.

It takes time. The more you engage with these tips, the more they come to you naturally and ultimately improve your self-esteem. 

Do not let the self-doubt you currently have dictate and predict your future!

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

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