5 Transformative Steps to Make 2025 Your Best Year Yet!

As the calendar turns to 2025, it’s time to ask yourself: what kind of year do you want to create?

Will it be another cycle of routine, or will this be the year you embrace change, growth, and joy?

This article is your roadmap to making 2025 your best year yet!

From building a deeper relationship with yourself to embracing positivity and fun, these five transformative steps will empower you to let go of what no longer serves you and create a life that aligns with your true desires.

It’s not about perfection—it’s about progress. Dive in, take these steps to heart, and get ready to make 2025 a year of incredible personal evolution. The journey to your best self begins here.



5 Things to Work on to Make 2025 Your Best Year Yet

1. Fall Deeper in Love With Yourself.

I spent far too long seeking security in other people. It oftentimes left me feeling disappointed and frustrated.

Yes, being loved by others is wonderful, but to solely rely on them for self-worth or full-on security sets you up for disappointment.

My advice? Journey deeper within your own self and fall in love there. If you’re not happy with yourself, make some changes.

  • Reach out to a therapist.
  • Read some personal development books.
  • Start doing some digging to see what’s going on under the surface of your emotional landscape.

Take the necessary steps to reclaim who you truly are – a beautiful, luminous being who has so much potential.

Let the past rest. Wipe your slate clean and nurture yourself in loving ways as you navigate each day.


2. Do Some Excavating.

  • Have you been trying to feel happy, but just feel down and out? 
  • Do you feel like you’re struggling day after day?

Maybe it’s time to do some excavating to see what’s going on under the surface. There could be some negative emotions or old wounds wanting you to attend to them – and heal them.

Maybe you’ve been through traumatic situations that rewired your brain to gravitate toward the negative.

The good news is that there are many tools, techniques, and healing modalities that can help you with whatever it is that’s causing you undue anxiety, depression, or other issues.

The easy thing to do is numb out, run, escape, or ignore it all. But that won’t get you very far in creating the kind of life you truly desire.

You can make changes – just get started. 

Approach the unearthing of all your beautiful “mess” in several ways. Begin reading some insightful books that pertain to emotional healing or whatever you think is holding you back.

Talk to a good therapist. Commit to working out things there for a few months or more. There are also support groups you can attend, retreats, workshops, treatment centers, and more.

Excavating takes work, but it’s well worth it!  Once you get to the core of yourself- that part of you that is amazing – all that “junk” tends to dissolve. And, you feel much freer.

You know how I know this? 

I’ve been there. 

I got my hands extremely muddy digging through MANY layers of dirt.

I clawed my way through a lot of depression, anxiety, anger, shame, fear, bitterness, disappointment, jealousy, insecurity, codependency, and more in order to heal and DISCOVER the real me.

The me that is pure, sweet, thoughtful, loving, giving, radiant, and FREE.

I’m not completely healed and whole, but I am enjoying more good days than not-so-good – and that feels great.


3. Commit to Major Changes.

One of my favorite mottos is “Nothing changes if nothing changes”. 

I love this because so often we say we want to change, yet year after year we’re still the same.

Whether it’s living in scarcity, fear, lack, depression, working a job we hate, etc., we show up at the end of the year scratching our heads wondering why not much has changed.

For me, when the pain got great enough, I started making some major changes.

Like ending an unhealthy relationship. Like holing myself up in an apartment for six months journeying inward, meditating, praying, seeking, contemplating, crying, resolving, doing the inner excavating hardcore.

Stepping out after that and doing things I’d always wanted to do, yet was afraid to do. Like putting aside limited thinking.

The reality is that if you want to see change, YOU’VE GOT TO MAKE SOME CHANGES!

With that being said, grab your notebook and list the kinds of changes you are going to make this coming year.

Make a radical commitment to journeying toward them, and do your best to enjoy the process. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for it. There are plenty of people ready and willing to help.


4. Adopt a Better, More Positive Mindset.

The mindset you have today you can change. 

If it’s good, you can make it better. If it’s negative, you can make it more positive.

  • Try not to limit yourself.
  • Refuse to let negative thoughts control your life.
  • Surrender the old stories that don’t serve you anymore.

Start telling a new story – the kind you really want to live out!  This is what I’ve been doing the past decade and I can attest to the fact that your thoughts, beliefs, and words MATTER!

Your focus matters. 

If you’re focusing on things that are negative, you may attract not-so-great things. On the other hand, if you put your focus on things that are positive, you may just attract much more good things in your life.

Some refer to this as the Law of Attraction. Some people think it’s “woo woo”, but give it a try for yourself.

Of course, it’s not magical. You don’t just think about something and it pops up out of nowhere.

But what you focus your intent on matters.

Intent can be powerful.

For example, if you continually beat yourself up with thoughts like, “I’m a failure” or “No one likes me”, those thoughts become beliefs. And, those beliefs tend to cause you to speak and act in certain ways that may cause you to fail at something or push people away.

But if you begin changing your mindset, your energy will change. Your vibes can go from negative to more positive. And, rather than fail or push people away, you may find yourself achieving goals and making friends!


5. Ramp Up the Fun in Your Life.

I spent a good bit of my life being too serious.

I remember thinking about how badly I wanted to be free to laugh, be goofy, and even dance! Growing up in a dysfunctional household where I had to walk on eggshells may have had something to do with this. 

Eventually, I’d had enough of the serious life and made a decision to just start having fun. I went from one activity that made me happy to another to another, and so on. I just started doing little things that made me feel happy.

  • I went for daily walks and runs, as I love to exercise and be out in nature.
  • I made plenty of play dates with my kids.
  • I made friends and we had FUN!
  • I began dancing whenever good music came on.
  • I pet my cat.
  • I painted abstract pictures.
  • I went to coffee shops.
  • I watched a lot of comedies.
  • Began working a career I loved.

And so much more.

It felt so amazing to just to loosen up and have some fun – despite whatever was going on in my life.

So, when the new year hits, you can create the kind if year you have been dreaming of. Commit to doing more things you enjoy, no matter what your circumstances are. No matter what issues you’re struggling with.

Make time for fun.


2025: Create Your Best Year Yet: Make This a Happy New Year!

Here’s to setting yourself up for a wonderfully refreshing New Year where you enjoy your life in ways that help you feel more peace and joy along your journey. 

Here’s to creating your best year yet, one step and one day at a time.

Editor’s note: This article was originally published Jan 3, 2021 and has been updated for easier reading. 

Photo by RODNAE Productions

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