15+ Best Self-Discipline Books (2025)

Ahhh, self-discipline, that pain-in-the-butt success attribute that most of us wish were easier to wield.  If I told you there was a pill you could take to increase your self-discipline, would you want one?

Hahaha, so would I.

Unfortunately, there is no pill.

But, I do have something for you that is far better than some easy peasy pill.  In fact, I have 15 or so of them for you.

And I am confident you could benefit from them.

How can I be so sure?


Statistics.  Statistically speaking, 92% of people who set goals at the beginning of each year, don’t achieve them (University of Scranton.)   That stat alone, says so much about the state of our collective self-discipline.

“92 % Of People Who Set Goals At The Beginning Of Each Year, Don’t Achieve Them.”

– University of Scranton –

It reveals that most people can’t stick to a simple goal they set out to achieve.

How is it that so many people fail to achieve what they really want?

I mean, nobody sets a goal they don’t think they can achieve.

Nobody sets a goal around something they don’t sincerely want either.

Yet, so many still fail to reach the simple goals they set for themselves, year after year.

And what about the big goals?  Let’s not even go there.


Here’s the most likely culprit.  When the results we go after don’t come fast enough, and we realize what we’re chasing seems like more of a hassle than we first imagined, we second-guess ourselves.  And as we continue to pursue our goals, we slowly begin making up our minds that the pain of consistent self-discipline is a cost we aren’t willing to pay.  The pain bests us.

So, what do we do?

We stop striving for our goal.

If that scenario sounds familiar, then you’ve had your own struggles with self-discipline.  In short, self-discipline is likely hard for you.

But, you don’t have to feel too bad about it (just a little bad), because you are not alone.  Self-discipline is painful for just about everyone.  But just because it’s painful, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to find more of it.

Truth is, self-discipline is a pain that is good for you.  It’s so good for you that it really shouldn’t be seen as pain at all.

Like Euripides said…. “Do not consider painful what is good for you.”


My friend, self-discipline is a worthy characteristic to improve.  It’s worthy because it has the power to lead you from where you are now, to where you want to be, faster than any other human quality.

Self-discipline is a force to be reckoned with.  When it is strong, it will keep you moving forward, progressing towards your goals till you hit them.

On the flip side, self-discipline is also something everyone struggles with at some point in their lives.  And when it’s weak your achievements will be meek.

So go big, keep going for those big goals, but make sure your self-discipline is strong before you do so.

Why?  Because trying to achieve a goal without self-discipline, is like trying to ride a bicycle across a hilly countryside and expecting to get up the harder, steeper hills without peddling.

It’s just not going to happen.  Which is why goal achievement without self-discipline is impossible.

Fortunately, you can build and craft your self-discipline to your liking.  And you can do it in a short amount of time.

The more you build it, the more and more achievements you’re likely to see in your life.

And I have just the thing to help you begin building your self-discipline.

Here are 14 self-discipline books you should read to help you fortify your self-discipline.

You’ll strengthen your discipline just by reading them, because it takes discipline to read books.

But, you’ll also gain powerful self-discipline mindset insights, insights that will help you become the master over your very own.

So here you go my friends, a handful of stepping stones to higher and better levels of self-discipline.


Self Discipline BooksSelf Discipline Books

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