Patrick Bet-David, a.k.a. PBD is an American entrepreneur, speaker, and author of at least three different books, including a Wall Street Journal #1 best seller ‘Your Next Five Moves’. Bet-David is also the founder of Valuetainment, a rapidly growing media brand that teaches people all over the world the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, the value personal development, while simultaneously encouraging people to take a chance on their goals. That said, the man knows a thing or two about success, which is why we decided to round up some of the best Patrick Bet-David quotes on success and business.
Our aim is to create a short list of some of Patrick Bet-David’s best advice in the form of quotes and sayings that you can come back to when you need guidance, encouragement, or just a good reminder. So, without further ado, if you’re ready to digest some of the best success advice out there on the web today, let’s dive head first into these Patrick Bet-David quotes for success.

1. “Stop constantly taking the easy way out. No blockbuster movie was ever based on an easy life.” – Patrick Bet-David
2. “It takes hard work to make it to the top. It takes twice the effort to stay at the top.” – Patrick Bet-David
3. “If you can walk, talk, hear or see, you have everything it takes to do something big with your life.” – Patrick Bet-David
4. “The most important person to believe in is you. Everyone else who believes in you means nothing unless if you finally believe in yourself.” – Patrick Bet-David
5. “Stop thinking about your past mistakes. Stop worrying about what the future holds. Start focusing on what you can do now.” – Patrick Bet-David
6. “A talented entrepreneur with bad habits eventually becomes an employee. An average employee with great habits can eventually become a great entrepreneur.” – Patrick Bet-David
7. “If you want to be big, you must be willing to disappear for a while.” – Patrick Bet-David
8. “Very few people in business keep their word. When you find them, go into business with them.” – Patrick Bet-David
9. “The first 2 years of being an entrepreneur is a roller coaster ride. The goal is to eventually own the roller coaster and the theme park.” – Patrick Bet-David
10. “In the end, your success will speak for itself.” – Patrick Bet-David
11. “Everyone has a great idea but only a few have great work ethic.” – Patrick Bet-David
12. “The best recruiters in the world are small thinkers. They convince millions of dreamers to give up on their dreams.” – Patrick Bet-David
13. “You either pay the price now or pay the price later, but regardless of your decision, the price must be paid in full.” – Patrick Bet-David
14. “Savings give you a lot of strength, flexibility and control. They are what give you the most powerful Answer in The World.” – Patrick Bet-David
15. “I’ve not found one single mutual fund, on single real estate investment, any gold, silver or anything else that has given me higher returns than me investing in myself.” – Patrick Bet-David
16. ‘Your vision must align with who you want to be. Your choices must align with your vision. Your effort must align with the size of your vision. Your behavior must align with your values and principles.” – Patrick Bet-David
17. “The only way you’re going to make it in business is when everything is your fault, when everything is your responsibility.” – Patrick Bet-David
18. “We never feel completely ready for life’s big decisions; but in taking the leap, we push ourselves to the next level.” – Patrick Bet-David
19. “If you think your critics are wrong, prove it. If you think your haters are wrong, prove it. If you think you’re right, prove it. Results have historically been the best way to prove you’re right.” – Patrick Bet-David
20. “No one remembers average and ordinary. NO ONE! Give your VERY best. You only get one shot at this thing called ‘life’.” – Patrick Bet-David
21. “If you’re going to overdose on anything, overdose on getting better. It’s one of the greatest natural highs of life.” – Patrick Bet-David
22. “The only way to be bulletproof is to focus on you improving your game.” – Patrick Bet-David
23. “Sometimes God will put a Goliath in your life, to bring out the David within you. Chin up. Look up. Rise up.” – Patrick Bet-David
24. “Underachievers think they’re working harder than they actually are. Overachievers think they’re not working hard enough. Underachievers think they know it all. Overachievers think the don’t know it all. History favors the overachiever.” – Patrick Bet-David
25. “The less your business depends on you the more it’s worth.” – Patrick Bet-David
26. “Change will come only when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.” – Patrick Bet-David
27. “One cannot charm or seduce their way out of lost time. Time has no mercy for those who take it for granted.” – Patrick Bet-David
28. “The bigger the vision you have, the more important it is for you to think on what type of a team you’re going to put around you.” – Patrick Bet-David
29. “The more you pay the price the more you improve. The more you go above and beyond the more you lead. The more you overdeliver on your promises the more you do things others aren’t willing to do, you eventually expect success. It’s not longer a question. It’s inevitable.” – Patrick Bet-David
30. “Focus on doing MORE.” – Patrick Bet-David
31. “Take responsibility for what you have control over and focus on that.” – Patrick Bet-David
33. “Short-term thinkers are a dime a dozen. Long-term thinkers are extremely rare. History books favor the long-term thinkers. Don’t let short-term attention distract you from your long-term vision becoming a reality. Chase the big.” – Patrick Bet-David
34. “Every time you change, you create new enemies and new allies. Don’t be surprised when this happens. It’s sciences. It’s human nature. It’s inevitable.” – Patrick Bet-David
34. It’s tough to start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading and re-living the last one. Grab the pen of life and start writing the next one.” – Patrick Bet-David
35. “Instant gratification is the kiss of death. That mindset hurts anything it touches. Business, health, politics, friendship, relationship, finances. It attracts short-term thinkers and turned off by long-term thinkers. Don’t fall for this trap.” – Patrick Bet-David
36. “Respect the game. It’s easy to do when you’re smaller, tough to do when you get bigger. And even tougher when you become number one.” – Patrick Bet-David
37. “Sometimes the more you think, the less you do. Sometimes the less you think, the more you do. Simplify. It’s not that complicated.” – Patrick Bet-David
38. “Reading the right books can change your life. Reading the wrong books can confuse the hell out of you.” – Patrick Bet-David
39. “If someone is winning at a higher level than you are, either lower your expectations to match your work ethic or increase your work ethic to exceed your expectations. If you do neither, you’ll be miserable. What it all boils down to is that alignment is the key to fulfillment.” – Patrick Bet-David
40. “To get better you must reflect on your mistakes.” – Patrick Bet-David
41. “Don’t compare yourself to others you see around you. Get really clear on who YOU want to be.” – Patrick Bet-David
42. “Money is made in good times. Wealth is made in great times. Generational wealth is made in bad times. Don’t fear a market crash. Just be ready for it. The upside can be very big.” – Patrick Bet-David
43. “Humility has a different meaning to different people. It doesn’t mean to be a priest, a monk, or a pastor. It simply means you don’t know it all.” – Patrick Bet-David
44. “All it takes is ONE. One big victory silences all your critics. One big victory validates your hard work. One big victory over shadows the 1,000’s of mistakes and bad ideas. One big victory can lead to more victories. Go get your ONE big victory.” – Patrick Bet-David
45. “Travelling isn’t about the destination, it’s about the people you travel with.” – Patrick Bet-David
46. “Never underestimate the upside of a person with a positive attitude. A college dropout with a positive attitude will go further in life than an MBA grad with a negative attitude. Attitude matters.” – Patrick Bet-David
47. “The moment you start fighting for something bigger than YOU, you’ll be introduced to a version of YOU that you’ve never seen before.” – Patrick Bet-David
48. “There’s a path for everyone — as long as you have self-awareness and the willingness to think fie moves ahead.” – Patrick Bet-David
49. “All the motivational quotes in the world can’t move someone who doesn’t know what they want.” – Patrick Bet-David
50. “We aren’t put on this earth to pay the bills. We are put on this earth to do something special with our lives.” – Patrick Bet-David
51. “Reading an hour a day is only 4% of your day. But that 4% will put you at the top of your field within 10 years. Find the time.” – Patrick Bet-David
52. “Winning is about how you perform on your worst days, not just your best days.” – Patrick Bet-David
53. “The whole thing that makes Capitalism works is competition.” – Patrick Bet-David
54. “You’ll notice that some of the people who don’t achieve success, they always want people smaller than them around them because it makes them feel bigger.” – Patrick Bet-David
55. “The people you meet that are super successful, they always put themselves in situations where people are bigger than them, because it’s the next platform, the next level they’re getting to.” – Patrick Bet-David
56. “I believe anybody can reach their capacity. Anybody has that shot, but it takes so much fricking work, pain that not a lot of people want to go through it.” – Patrick Bet-David
57. “Capitalism works. It’s those who don’t work that hate Capitalism, unfortunately.” – Patrick Bet-David
58. “The market rewards people who outwork and out-improve.” – Patrick Bet-David
59. “Arrogance steals your potential. Preparation and effort accelerated your chances at reaching your potential.” – Patrick Bet-David
60. “Your life is a byproduct of the way you think. Your way of thinking produced the life you’re living today. If you don’t like your life today, maybe it’s time to change the way you think.” – Patrick Bet-David
61. “Generational wealth doesn’t mean anything if good habits don’t generationally transfer. If habits don’t transfer with the money, the money will eventually run out.” – Patrick Bet-David
62. “Wealth won’t last if good habits are not being passed down.”
63. “They call us dreamers, yet we’re the ones who get the least amount of sleep. We’d rather die trying to make our dreams a reality, rather than just a part of our imagination.” – Patrick Bet-David
65. “Staying in a funk for too long will make you doubt yourself. The key is to snap out of it ASAP.” – Patrick Bet-David
66. “Anybody that learns the skillsets of a millionaire can become a millionaire.” – Patrick Bet-David
67. “Rule number one of creating wealth; never ever work for a sexy established company. If you work for a sexy established company no one knows you. If you quit, you get fired, you were just another employee. Go to a company, help it become sexy, established. Be a leader, own a piece, you’ll become wealthy.” – Patrick Bet-David
68. “Big thinkers smell and read other big thinkers. If you’re urgent and want to get things done fairly urgent, you’re in the big thinkers camp. If you got all the time in the world, you ain’t part of the big thinker’s camp, you get to pick and choose.” – Patrick Bet-David
69. “Everybody has been given this gift by the man upstairs, and it’s this thing called imagination. Some of us use if for negative and some of us use it for positive.” – Patrick Bet-David
70. “Many talk, a few do. And even fewer keep doing.” – Patrick Bet-David
71. “If you know every show on Netflix and you’re broke, you have a problem. You’re lazy.” – Patrick Bet-David
72. “Everything about money is a double’s game.” – Patrick Bet-David
73. “Never get complacent. Nothing lasts forever. Constantly be in recreation mode!” – Patrick Bet-David
74. “Massive success comes down to rare moments of opportunity. Be ready for it. They don’t come by often.” – Patrick Bet-David
75. “If anybody tells you it’s tough to make money, they are just not taking advantage of all the tools available to them.” – Patrick Bet-David
Bonus PBD Quote
Bonus: Alright, here is one of our favorite quotes by Patrick Bet-David. We added it as bonus, because we stand behind it 100%. There truly is power behind setting a goal for yourself.
“The Only Thing Separating Us From Greatness Is A Vision And A Plan For Achieving Greatness.”
– patrick bet-david –
There you have it, some of the best Patrick Bet-David quotes on success and entrepreneurship. We hope they’ve given you a bit more insight on what it takes to succeed in the world today, as well as inspired you to dig deeper into his success philosophy.
He has a handful of books that give great advice, and he has an extremely popular YouTube channel where he often publishes loads of invaluable success insights.
That said, we hope you’re at least a little bit more inspired leaving our page than when you arrived.
Till you reach your ambitious aims,
PS – If you enjoyed these inspiring Patrick Bet-David success quotes, then you’ll probably enjoy these power quotes from fellow success icons like:
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